

Nano Prep Pad & Clay Mist

Autobright's New Surface Nano Prep Pad works fast and achieves professional results & 500ml Clay Mist
It quickly & easily removes:
paint over-spray
rail dust
brake dust
industrial pollution
Works on:
automotive paint & glass
Our Nano Prep System makes paint cleaning fast and effortless.
The Nano Prep Foam Pads use the a DA polisher to clean and remove bonded contaminates, such as fall out and overspray with little effort and huge time savings
Simply rinse after use and re-use time and time again
Removes contamination faster than clay

When using the nano prep pad DA system we recommend to pre-use the pad on your glass then re clean
the pad and then continue making light pass on your paint work
Keep the pad well lubricated and the surface of your paintwork

Only use Autobright Clay lubricant to obtain the best results.
Clay Mist works uniquely with the chemical compostive of the Pad towel as it provides the necessary slick surface for the clay to glide on.
As well as this, it is specially formulated for streak-free surface perfection for all over detailing.

Our Clay/Pad Mist is a concentrated formula and can diluted for greater economy
The Nano Prep Pad will gently bond with any contaminants and remove them, leaving a clean smooth surface.
These contaminants cannot be removed by washing with a sponge and soapy water alone.
This is one of the secrets kept by professional valeters and detailers, that prior to applying a long lasting paint sealant, they will always have clayed or used a Nano Prep Towel/Pad on the vehicle first.
Autobright's Clay Mist works uniquely with the chemical compostive of the clay bar or Nano Prep Towel as it provides the necessary slick surface for the clay to glide on.
As well as this, it is specially formulated for streak-free surface perfection for all over detailing.
Please note that Nano Towel and claying will only remove surface contaminants, it will not remove scratches or swirls.
For scratches and swirls, we can provide a comprehensive range of car polishes from heavy through to light imperfections.

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